About Acacia Wood
All Wild Wood boards are crafted from the highest quality acacia wood. Acacia wood is one of the hardest woods available on the world market, and is harder than maple and oak. Acacia is not prone to scraping or scratches, making it ideal for regular use.
Interesting facts about Acacia wood:
- Acacia is an environmentally friendly hardwood that grows on all continents.
- Acacia wood is inherently dense which helps make it naturally resistant to bacteria.
- In biblical times Acacia wood was used for bows and boats because of its impermeable strength.
- The Acacia tree is commonly referred to as “The Rain Tree”, which is particularly accurate because when it rains, or night comes, the leaves of the tree fold up and allow the rain to fall through the tree, keeping the grass below the tree green!
- This pod-bearing tree is known for its rich, dark colours which range from honey gold to chocolate brown.
- Acacia wood has an unusual property known as chatoyancy – it appears to change colour and lustre in different lighting conditions.